Just to clarify even more, you people who podcast for the love of it, send me your logo to dslusher@gmail.com if you have one, an URL to your web page if you don’t. If you do multiple shows and they all fit that standard, send me all of them. If you do a show for your employer that you get paid for, and a personal amateur podcast on your own time – send me the logo or the URL for the amateur one. Don’t procrastinate, kids, do it now because I got a late jump on this – having only decided to do this a few days ago. Be better than me, don’t delay.
To reiterate, my talk is Friday September 29th in room 200ABC at 10:30 AM. I hadn’t noticed this before, but I get to open this track. I hope to do what I can to set a tone for this particular slate of programming – the “podcasting as a hobby” track which to me is really the “podcasting for every motivation in the world except money” track. Come see me, please.
Tags: podcast expo, portable media expo